Sean Baran
Forever in Our Hearts
Sean earned his bachelors and masters degrees in music performance at Youngstown State University where he also taught piano and music theory for many years. He currently teaches piano and accompanies choirs at Lincoln Park Performing Arts Charter School in Midland, PA. His students perform and compete regularly, having presented music in venues such as Heinz Hall and even Carnegie Hall. For nine years, he was the organist at Boardman United Methodist Church in Youngstown, OH which is where a love for using the pipe organ to lead a congregation in song was ignited within him. Sean finds great joy in helping people grow closer to the mission of Jesus Christ by creating inspiring and rousing sounds that encourage all people to raise their voices in praise. He is thrilled to have this opportunity to utilize his gifts in the vibrant city of Pittsburgh. Outside of his musical endeavors, Sean often enjoys quiet hiking excursions, photographing the world to showcase the beauty surrounding us, and relaxing with a video game.